Quality Assurance

At Stalybridge Dental Care we are currently accredited under two quality assurance schemes. These nationally recognised schemes are externally validated annually and ensure your quality of care. The schemes are:

The British Dental Association Good Practice Scheme

BDA Good Practice logo
    Our commitment to you under the GPS is:
  1. We aim to provide dental care of consistently good quality, for all patients.
  2. We only provide care that meets your needs and wishes.
  3. We aim to make your treatment as comfortable and convenient as possible.
  4. We look after your general health and safety while receiving dental care.
  5. We follow the British Dental Association's guidelines on infection control.
  6. We check for mouth cancer and tell you what we find.
  7. We take part in continuing professional development to keep our skills and knowledge up-to-date.
  8. We train all staff in practice-wide work systems and review training plans once a year.
  9. We welcome feedback and deal promptly with any complaints.
  10. Every member of the practice is aware of the need to work safely under General Dental Council guidelines.
    The British Dental Association

Denplan Excel Accreditation Programme

Denplan Apple logo Denplan Excel Accreditation logo
    Denplan Excel is an accreditation programme which brings you many benefits:
  1. Reassurance in your dentist - they are practising in line with current good practice
  2. Oral Health ScoreĀ© - you will receive a regular oral health score from your dentist. This is a score out of 100 and will indicate how healthy your teeth and gums are
  3. Improved understanding - of the care and treatment available to you
  4. Motivating you - to maintain and improve your oral health
  5. More consultation - involvement in deciding your care and treatments
  6. Improved relationship - with your dentist through better communication and greater involvement in your own oral health
  7. Patient survey - you will have the chance to give your feedback on the care and service your practice provides. By joining the programme, your dentist has committed to keep you well informed about your care and treatment. To help achieve this, a special range of Patient Information is available from your Denplan Excel dentist that explains different treatments and procedures, as well as giving advice on oral health.

The Denplan Excel accreditation programme is supported by the Patients Association


Our practice has its own complaints procedure.

Complaints should initially be raised with our practice manager Julie Buckley. A copy of our complaints policy is available at the reception upon request.

There is also a complaints service which is funded by the GDC (General Dental Council):
www.dentalcomplaints.org.uk or Tel: 08456 120540.

© Stalybridge Dental Care 2009 - 2025

Last updated: 2 Jan 2025